Hockey Insurance
The NBIAA has obtained a comprehensive package of Liability and Accident Insurance from Hockey Canada for our boys and girls hockey teams.
Click HERE for Hockey Canada Injury Report Form
COMPLETE the form in its entirety. Have your team official complete the team section and your doctor/dentist complete the back of the form.
SUBMIT the fully completed form to HNB along with any receipts or invoices within 90 days of the date of accident. Please also send a copy to the NBIAA.
Hockey New Brunswick | Fax: 506-453-0868 |
P.O. Box 456 | Email: njansen@hnb.ca |
Fredericton, N.B. | |
E3B 4Z9 |
HERE for
the following information:
Canada Insurance Brochure
What is not covered?
Commonly asked Questions
Hockey Canada's Safety Requires Teamwork book for coverage and benefit information can also be found
NEW - Click
request a Certificate of Insurance for hockey.
You will receive your certificate of insurance by email in 2 to 5 business days.
Outside of Canada Travel – What do I need to know?
- Always check with the NBIAA prior to planning a trip abroad to ensure the event is properly sanctioned and approved!
- Teams need to be aware that they should purchase additional Health Insurance when leaving the country. Provincial health care plans will cover out of province medical expenses and Hockey Canada insurance has specific limits that apply once the primary insurance coverage has been exhausted, however these policies may not be sufficient if an injury occurs in the US or abroad.
- Always ask the travel insurance company you are dealing with if they cover injuries that occur while playing sports.
- Proof of such travel insurance for sport accidents must be sent to the HNB prior to departure.